2:39 AM

Random weekends

Yeah, this weekend was been totally devoted to relaxing ^^

I found some of my favourite tea and made a good litre of it that I drank trough the saturday, while geeking Jigoku Shoujo and Tengen Gurren Toppa Lagann.
My fave tea <3

I have also started on sewing Leos school uniform, as I have enough white left-over white fabric. Its a little of a challenge but I'm fresh to do it.
I have also fangirlet a lot over LeoXElliott and ElliotXLeo, while I found out that Elliot are 173 centimetres ( 1 cm taller than me ) and leo is 9 centimetres smaller.. How ironic is it that I am gonna cosplay a short dewd? xD Oh well *shrugs*

Oh and a bonus picture; My hair as it was this weekend, it just didnt want to sit straight on spot >>', It does look meesy, but it was like that even ater trying to comb it away, without luck.

Just a quick and rndom little update from me.



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